Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

303936_10150265283331917_6162992_nOn a cold and snowy March 4 in the middle of a fantastic blizzard forty-three years ago today, my parents were married in the small country church I can still see out my kitchen window.  I guess it was quite the storm with people ending up stranded in town that had come from miles away to see them say their vows.

The promise they made to God and each other still holds strong today.  43 years, two sons, and four grandkids later, they are still as committed to each other as they were on that wintry day.

I’m very thankful for the parents I have and for their example of sticking together through the good times as well as the tough times.  I can say that I never had a single concern about whether they would be together as I grew up.  I was blessed, more than I knew, to be in a home where my parents made sure they took care of each other and made sure we knew how important that was.

A little over 22.5 years later I got married in that same church on a rainy August day.  In our 20 years together, I look at the example my parents set for me, and that helps me be the husband I need to be for my wife.  I am thankful.  More thankful than I can say that they have always been there.

Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!  I love you both!